Yasmine Santino Burns

Suicidal Strategy

YASMINE SANTINO BURNS! 'cause she's married to Nick and Frazer.
1. Hi.
2. I'm as AWESOME as they come.
3. I love glitter and sparkles.
4. I love little doggies like terriors.
5. Taylor Swift is my only favourite country artist.
6. I wish for a never-ending list of things.
7. That's all, apparently.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
@ 6:01 PM

Well, this was awkward.
I accidentally cut my own finger. A really deep cut.
Now I'm afraid people might think I actually tried a suicidal attempt.
Hence the blog name.
Oh dear.
Monday, August 23, 2010
@ 2:15 PM

Wow, so many things happened.
But I'm not in the mood to write.
Just found out about Switchfoot, I'm in love with Your Love Is A Song
I'm tired already. Adios.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
untitled @ 10:56 AM

I'm in the mood to rant. The thing is, I don't know what to rant about.

Well, I'm leaving the rantin' for today, and I'd like to inform you that I'm once again using Twitter.
Follow me please *wink wink*
Oh, and I have Polyvore and Stardoll too. *double winks*
Kk, awesome!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
A few words. @ 8:35 PM

I'm a nail polish addict. I've recently added 3 new colors, bought from London.
They are all based on blue, this is an image of one:
Beauty UK Glam Nails - Jade No 52 (£1.75!)

I also drew an image of the guy I like, in a tux. Only I made him very, very tall. Taller than he currently is actually. Ovvja means obvious, which is our nickname for him, as he's so obvious at expressing his feelings.